BVGT & Community Gifted Resources

BVGT provides excellent local in-person programming throughout the school year. In addition, there is a variety of other resources to help you learn more about gifted education.

Connect with the BVGT Community on Social Media

Local Groups Online

Colorado Association of Gifted & Talented & Affiliates

Local affiliates often host events that might be of interest to our visitors. Click on the links for more information and events happening around Colorado.

CAGT Testing & Counseling Resources

The sources listed on CAGTs website are intended for reference purposes only. The inclusion of any person or entity on the list shall not be deemed to imply a recommendation, endorsement or approval of the services provided by such person or entity.

CAGT provides this Resources List to help parents of gifted children find providers of counseling and testing services for their children.  In order to be placed on this list, CAGT must receive at least two independent parent recommendations for a service provider, who must then meet certain professional criteria (credentials, training, liability coverage, etc.). If your gifted child has received services from a professional that you would like to recommend, please click on the link above for the submission form on CAGT’s website.

Jefferson County

Web Sites & Videos About Gifted Education 

One of Our Favorite Gifted Blogs